Analysis examined crime data during 2021 and 2022 in order to determine the impact of Firehouse Community Arts Center. Across the 3 areas served by Firehouse, homicides and non-fatal shootings show significant decreases.
Homicides in particular showed an 67% decrease across the 3 areas, which is more than 5x greater than the rest of Chicago (-13.3%). Additionally, ShotSpotter alerts showed decrease from 2021 to 2022. Overall, this indicates Firehouse Community Arts Center is achieving goals of reducing gun violence across its 3 sites. Across individual sites, changes in police incidents varied, with K-Town showing consistent decreases from 2021 to 2022.
Homicides & non-fatal shootings decreased across Firehouse sites from 2021 to 2022
While the number of crimes reported and violent crimes increased in K-town since 2021, there were some significant decreases. Most notably, homicides decreased from 5 (2021) to 1 (2022). Non-fatal shooting incidents were reduced more than 30% from 12 (2021) to 8 (2022), and we also saw reductions in shot spotter alerts and incidents involving firearms.
At 16th street the number of crimes reported and violent crimes have also increased, but less than K-town. As well, homicides are the most significant decrease from 7 (2021) to 2 (2022). Non-fatal shootings and shot spotter alerts were also reduced since 2021 with shot spotter alerts the more significant of the two decreasing by 19 occurrences.
At Cermak crimes reported have decreased significantly; down 30 incidents since 2021 or 16%. However, like the other locations total violent crimes have increased (only by 2) but the lower numbers make the percentage increase appear more drastic. We also see this dramatic increase for the percentage of homicides, but numerically it has only increased by 1 (from 0 in 2021). However, there was a significant decrease in non-fatal shootings from 8 in 2021 to just 2 in 2022 (a decrease of 75%).
Methodology: Crime data was pulled from the City of Chicago Data Portal. In order to compare crime rates across years, incidents from January 1st to December 31th were used. The Public Safety database contains all reported incidents of criminal activity including date and time, block and geographic information, primary and secondary descriptions of incident, and whether an arrest was made by police. In accordance with Chicago Police Department definitions, violent crime included incidents of aggravated assault, battery, homicide, human trafficking, criminal sexual assault and rape, and robbery. Data was compiled and analyzed by Amy Governale, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, North Park University.
Tim "Big Chop" Gates was a great dad and grandfather. He was one of the most beloved staff members of the Firehouse and was one of the longest employees of the Firehouse.Tim took care of the Firehouse like it was his own house and he loved all the youth who entered our doors.